Kia ora koutou e te IWI
If anyone is a marae trustee, or works for a māori org I would be really grateful if you could share this flyer information with your committee/management.
2022 Launching my valuation services for Marae, Whakairo + Toi Māori
As you know I am a valuer, however I have moved away from the mainstream services so that I can give all of my professional energy to Te Hunga Māori. One of the ways I do this is to specialise in the valuation of our Tāonga.
Who has been doing valuations of marae and whakairo in Aotearoa?
Up until recently there are two valuers in Aotearoa who will value the whakairo (one pākeha valuer, one māori valuer). There is also a friend of mine - he māori ia- who values marae buildings but is not allowed to value the whakairo - his employer rules. Other valuers will not value them and they exclude them from your valuations. Basically if you lack expertise in an field you should not value that asset.
I am the only wahine māori registered valuer in Aotearoa to value Marae buildings AND the Whakairo + Toi Māori. These valuations are for insurance purposes. If there are only the Whakairo on your commercial buildings, I can do those too.
What experience or qualifications do I have?
Even though I've been legally able to value whakairo, I wanted to make sure that I went to study under our tohunga māori rather than just with my valuation degree. Feels a bit rude to take pākehā knowledge to assess our tāonga aye? So I've recently graduated with a Diploma in Māori Art & Design - Whakairo. First wahine māori to do so from Te Wānanga o Raukawa and I have 1.5 more years to go for my Bachelor Degree.
Why are valuations so expensive?
Valuations are very heavy, litigious (you can 'sue' us for advice if you think something was negligent). As valuers we are responsible for our advice to you. Because of this at least half of the fee goes toward professional indemnity insurance, my registration and practising fees, memberships and administration.
Who supports me professional or am I a solo valuer?
I am a member of the Opteon Network of Valuers, who are in Australia, USA and Aotearoa since 2006. They take care of my professional indemnity and support me professionally as a valuer. With colleagues throughout the country, Aus and USA I can lean on them for expertise in commercial and industrial valuation.
He wahine māori, he tāne pākeha rānei?
It's been an anxious decision for me to put myself out there as a wahine māori specialising in the valuation of Marae, Whakairo and Toi. The current 'experts' are tāne - one pākehā and neither with education in whakairo.
I'm committed to our tāonga and to this expertise being held amongst us in te hunga Māori. I'm going to ask you, please consider me for your marae and whakairo! I will travel
Mauri ora e te whānau